The summer is over. I had my goals, and though I didn't exactly conquer all I wanted, I am satisfied. But now the school semester has started...yet again, and although I have had senioritis for 3 years now, I am looking forward to this semester. There have been a lot of changes and I want to share them all. I even have pictures to make the blog prettier.

Yes, in the 24 years I have been alive, I now own my first car. I'm not going to lie, this still doesn't feel real. It's new and beautiful and I love it, but every day I wake up and look out the window expecting it to not be there anymore. But it is, and it better be because I'm paying enough for it to be mine. It's a 2010 Chevy Aveo. It's name is Atreyu, from The Neverending Story, not the awful band. So, Atreyu has definitely made this semester better, minus the fact that every time I actually drive I'm petrified. I'm not exactly what you'd call the most confident of drivers. Seeing how I've driven very rarely I think I'm doing a pretty good job, I just wish I wasn't terrified behind the wheel. I'm just waiting for the time and practice feeling to kick in.

I'm taking some pretty interesting classes this semester, but the class that seems to be the coolest is my Science Fiction Literature class. We are currently reading the lovely book you see on the left, More than Human by Theodore Sturgeon. Sturgeon has some ideas about sci fi that he calls "Sturgeon's Law" (original.) Sturgeon's law is that 90% of all sci fi is bullshit. It's not well written, there is no character development, etc. However, the good 10% that's there keeps the reader engaged because of the tension present in the use of metaphorical phrases being taken into a literal sense. A simple sentence such as "She turned on her ride side." This sentence under normal circumstances would mean she is in bed and has turned her body onto her right side. In sci fi, though, it could mean that she possibly has a switch in which she turns on to move the right side of her body. That is the tension we experience when reading science fiction. Pretty groovy, I'd say.
I did have a video of me playing a slow version of Joan Jett's Bad Reputation on the ukulele but 1. I am confused on how to upload it to blogger and 2. it's only 44 seconds long because I'm so shy on posting that stuff. So, that's it for now. I hope you are all having a great beginning to a new fall!