Saturday I'm going to two weddings and I bought a new dress and I feel like Lisa Loeb in it which makes me want to be her slightly.

What a good 90's celebrity. She's so adorable. She always made me feel more attractive for having glasses.
Anyways, I'm so glad it's finally feeling like autumn outside. My personality is definitely leaning towards Spring but right now, my soul sits well with Fall. I needed the change. I think we all did. Change is good. Change is good. Just keep saying that to yourself. I have an art show in November. November 5th. Remember remember the 5th of November. Yeah, I know. I'm really nervous but really excited. I've never had an art show and I'm nervous to put myself out there. Yes I know I have to do it. If I don't put myself out there, completely bare and raw in front of everyone I'm pretty sure I'll explode. I wonder if all people are supposed to put themselves out there for the world to see and possibly not accept. I'm not one for keeping secrets. If I'm happy, I say it. If I like you, I tell you. I am a terrible liar. So all I can do in my existence is be exactly who I am all the time. However, I am petrified of not being accepted. Enter anxiety disorder. Ah well, I try to let the daily happys sink in over the bad. Here's a few, I hope they make you smile on the inside.
Courtsey of monkey ink design

Courtesy of The Spotted Fox
And I've really been into this girl on youtube named "Veronnie." Her sound is very raw and refreshing and this is one of my favorites of hers. Now that I've shown you some of my happy little images, show me some of yours. Leave me a comment telling me some of your daily happys.
Goodnight lovers.